Building Improvements
As Built and To Be Built for
Building Improvements
This post describes recent work and planned work on this site, an update for 2023 of some basic features. Taking a look at some things that I want to work on in the near future, I realized that I could use as a project hub.
Just Added
I added a projects section on the home page and for projects, I designed a project card widget. I have more than 4 projects, so I selected 4 as featured for the home page and will add others to a projects page.
I added an About Me page - still working on what I want there, just used my short bio from a conference where I gave a security presentation. Still pondering what other things to include.
And I enabled my Contact Me page, despite get a bit of random spam e-mails. I'll watch for an uptick in nonsens e-mails and decide to keep enabled or not.
In Planning
I need a mobile navigation widget that will show the new navigation links on smaller devices, resolutions under 768px.
I would like to data drive the featured projects and all projects, will need to see how to do that via Gatsby.
Review what I should have on an About Me page, what will interest others, not just myself.
Design and develop a better tag manager, possibly use a search tool for the local list of tags.