Touchpoint for March 2023
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

Touchpoint for March 2023
Spring is right around the corner and I wanted to capture a few notes, ideas, memories and a snapshot to look back at.
The past few months, the past winter season, I've been working as an enterprise architect for a client. My time is spent learning about their systems, their processes and designing architectural solutions for the future of their business. I am focused on enterprise security architecture with a focus on observability, non functional requirements and big architecture designs. (Here's a good resource for Observability Engineering)
I helped as a technical resource for a presentation on Azure API Management and played the "bad actor" for a cybersecurity role playing game at DAMA Philadelphia - Data Privacy And Cyber Security. For the role playing game, I invented a hacktivist group called FAIR (Forbid AI and Robotics) and schemed various ways that a hactivist group would attack companies.
On the side I've been drafting features and designs for an application for security architecture and collaboration. Slow going, due to client work, but keeps me in the code and actualization of ideas.
Outlined a possible book idea, again, if I have that time to work on it.
Catching up on security training, I need to hit 120 CPEs by this May. I'm enrolled in a 29 hour course for Integrating Security into IoT. The learning path has 6 courses of interest:
- Learning Hacking Using Raspberry Pi from Scratch
- Privacy and Ethics in the Internet of Things
- Wireless Pentesting with the Raspberry Pi
- Practical Internet of Things Hacking
- Applied Secure Smart City
- Internet of Things IoT, Robotics and Hacking with NodeMCU
Updated a Raspberry Pi 4 with the latest Kali, picked up a NodeMCU kit for the work.
Hopefully, I'll have some catch up notes on the projects I'm working on - squeeze the time in to write about my tools and coding.
Image Credit
Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash
Quote Credit
Benjamin Franklin Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2023, from Web site: