August Monthly Focus - 3 Wins
Fail to plan, plan to fail. Monthly wins.
Planning for August 2021
Working through a planning guide, in the Getting Results the Agile Way book, following the method laid out here.
August 2021 Theme
"Reintellectualization" - mapping out the next steps to elevate my knowledge, for work and as an academic professional.
August 2021 3 Wins
- Create a project to sharpen the saw for my Russian academic credential
- Pick a professional certification to start, e.g. CCSP, AWS
- Connect with my professional network, find out what people are working on, any new angles.
Honorable mention
- Continue work on my NWRPG
- Work on an idea for an OWASP project
Future month win themes
- Monetization - make money from something, e.g. blog, project, application, videos
Getting Results the Agile Way: A Personal Results System for Work and Life by J.D. Meier
Image credit
"Business Calendar & Schedule" by photosteve101 is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
This post and/or images used in it may have been created or enhanced using generative AI tools for clarity and organization. However, all ideas, technical work, solutions, integrations, and other aspects described here are entirely my own.