Evolving thinking, people and systems
If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. - H. G. Wells
What makes me tick?
Reading this morning's "Pointer" newsletter, see Pointer.io, the first item is The 25 Micro-habits Of High-Impact Managers. One of the "micro-habits" is "Write down what makes you tick". While I don't want to be a manager, I did like the idea of thinking about what makes me tick. I think today (this might change day to day), but today, these 3 would rate the highest:
- Continuous Success -> Clear defined requirements and achieving goals by being in a "continuous success" mode. "Always Be Delivering".
- Self Managed Mindset -> Time allocated by controlled blocks for delivery, spikes, deep dives, education, follow ups and unstructured stuff from each block.
- Community Actuation -> Actuating other professionals to learn, grow, innovate and achieve their goals. Be my own community.
Pointer.io The 25 Micro-habits Of High-Impact Managers
Image Credit
Photo by Alexey Savchenko on Unsplash
Quote Credit
H. G. Wells Quotes. (n.d.). BrainyQuote.com. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from BrainyQuote.com Web site: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/h_g_wells_163592
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