Featured ProjectsHACTU8.COMA cutting-edge initiative dedicated to ethical hacking in the domains of robotics, AI, IoT, and consumer hardware.Visit the project >BriefingA knowledge tool designed to help professionals master knowledge by delivering curated, topic-specific content.Visit the project >Latest PostsSQL Server on Linux via Dockerposted on August 25, 2017 | tags: [ sql server, linux, docker ]Running SQL Server on Linux for Docker EnginePerf Engineering Post Mortemposted on April 5, 2017 | tags: [ performance ]Performance engineering is a black art, with a few potential traps along the way. Here's just a few observations irrespective of the specifics of the engagement.Technology Briefingposted on February 12, 2017 | tags: [ coder, maker, hacker, mentor ]Catching up, this past week was a mix of old and new and a new client for the next few weeks.← Previous Page12345678910111213141516