Week 39 Retrospective & Week 40 Outlook 2021
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises. - Demosthenes

Week 39 Retrospective
Busy, busy, busy. I started the week with a plan. It was a week full of all kinds of interactions beyond the Slack window and I ended it with a great feeling of many doors opening.
- Back to School - I visited my children's school and learned about their daily process. I definitely miss the classroom environment.
- Project delivery - I delivered one of the major last projects for my client, I assumed ownership of it after my colleague's contract expired. It was a good delivery, no major issues.
- Dependency hell - changes to the back end of one of our systems required changes on the integration calls, just a configuration change, but it was not communicated to the team. Resolved it, good to go.
- Injury - Haglund’s Deformity and Chronic Achilles Tendonitis - less pain this week, able to visit a client.
- Client and potential client meetings all went well for me. Interesting and substantive work at each. Prompting me to finish my AWS certification path.
- Had a colleague team meeting to discuss client calls. It was a good way to hear different points of view, 10,000 down to 1 inch (figuratively) ideas.
- Roll20 MarkUn2 Damien has a secret mission, shhh.
Week 40 Outlook
- Project - consolidate ECOM flow steps
- New Appliance install
- Tires
- AWS Certification Class
- SJSL Jim Miller Cup Event Setup
- CPEs from CodeRed
- Project for SJSL -> Schedule Manager
- Project for SJSL -> SJS1
- Wednesday Night Gaming
- Home fixes - new blinds, nail punch
Ру́сский WOTDs this week
- хохота́ть/захохота́ть: to laugh out loud
- краси́вый: beautiful
- беспла́тный: free
- а́нгел: angel
- го́рько: bitterly
- шк сожале́нию: unfortunately
- и́мя: name
Image credit
Engine Block by Garett Mizunaka
Quote credit
This post and/or images used in it may have been created or enhanced using generative AI tools for clarity and organization. However, all ideas, technical work, solutions, integrations, and other aspects described here are entirely my own.