Featured ProjectsHACTU8.COMA cutting-edge initiative dedicated to ethical hacking in the domains of robotics, AI, IoT, and consumer hardware.Visit the project >BriefingA knowledge tool designed to help professionals master knowledge by delivering curated, topic-specific content.Visit the project >Latest PostsSite Roadmapposted on December 17, 2020 | tags: [ blog, site, retrospective, planning, improvements, projects ]Reviewing site improvements over the past month and setting a plan for future improvements. Done, todo and obstacles.DAMA Meeting 9/17posted on September 12, 2020 | tags: [ data, social media, dama ]Data quality and making sense of the information flow that surrounds us on social mediaDeltaposted on March 1, 2020 | tags: [ continuous deployment, planning, projects ]Back and forth discussion of relevant topics.← Previous Page12345678910111213141516Next Page →